Fred quickly became a huge part of my family, I loved this little creature. Unfortunately he was timid and Shy I rarely saw him.
Well to be fair I wasn't that ignorant, I had did some reading and I did know they needed companions. I decided I would get a baby boar.
This is when we met Marvin.
How I miss this little boy, although me and him weren't huge fans. Looking at him now makes me sad.
Marvins Story
I searched everywere for a pig and was unable to find one anywere. Thats when I met a girl who was a breeder she was keeping this little guy because she liked his colouring but then realised she couldn't give him the time he deserved.
Marvin, was named in a dream. It was too be Fred's name but he never suited being called Marvin. This little guy however did looked just like a Marvin and what huge personality he was.
Introductions went brilliantly, they were living together. Fred was gaining in confidence that was however until The dreaded hormones kicked in and Marvin began bullying Fred. I left things and hoped they would get past it but the tension from the pigs cage took in the room it was obviously things were not well. I had to make the decision to split them and rehome Marvin. That was by far the most horrible decision I have ever had to make.
Thankfully for Marvin he was neutered and handed into rescue were he got a fabulous home.